The ASSOCIATION Builders Approach
Association Builders serves in the capacity of administrative manager for a number of associations, reporting to the Board of Directors. These responsibilities include conducting routine tasks, including administrative and financial tasks, as well as representing the associations as necessary.
Association Builders serves in the capacity of association manager for several organizations in Virginia. The number and intensity of these duties varies depending on the association, the time of year, and other external factors. By working as a team, we are able to manage a myriad of tasks throughout the year to ensure each client receives the necessary time and attention to detail that they have come to expect from us. These tasks include arranging and attending board meetings, committee meetings, and acting as a representative for the association when needed.
Association Builders serves as an independent contractor has a fully-equipped office to serve the needs of our clients. When workload increases we utilize temporary administrative help to assist in the completion of work. The use of email and websites are very important in keeping members informed and up-to-date. Maintaining a complete and accurate database is of paramount importance to the association and is a top priority.
Financial Management
The finances of an association are its foundation. Association Builders has numerous financial systems in place to efficiently and accurately meet its clients’ financial management needs. Preparing monthly financial reports; reconciling accounts; preparing budgets; and invoicing and collecting money for events and dues are examples of the financial management services that Association Builders can provide.
Communication is the key to keeping association members informed, involved, and content. Association Builders works with its clients to ensure members feel connected and that they are receiving value-added benefits for their membership dues investment. Keeping an up-to-date database; indoctrinating new members; seeking new members and renewing existing members; and publishing an annual membership directory are just a few of the tasks associated with membership retention and expansion.
Public Affairs
External communication is important to the association. Association Builders staff is experienced in newsletter production; working with the media; and promoting the events and activities of its clients.
Seminars, Conference & Educational Programs
Association Builders’ clients conduct numerous conferences and other programs throughout the year. Successful meeting planning hinges on being organized and prepared. Association Builders has the experience and successes with events that translate into success for our clients. From start to finish, association events will be a success with Association Builders’ help.
What Support Does Your Association Need?
Negotiate and maintain business relationships/ accounts with suppliers
Maintain Association records including files, financial records, minutes, etc.
Maintain Association phone line, fax line and mail box/business address
Create and implement a Sponsorship program
Maintain stationary stocks and supplies
Database and record management
Newsletter: Create, Contribute, Distribute, Collect Content/Edit; Conduct Advertising Campaign
Writing and Distributing Press Releases
Website: Develop/Manage/Update; Group Emails; Newsletter Distribution; Calendar of Events; Classifieds, job listings
General Member Communications
Manage/track Event Budget
Research and recommend meeting facilities
Negotiate facility contracts
Registration: Create registration packages and/or programs; Receive registration and fees; Create name badges; Staff registration table; Send confirmations
Coordinate event logistics: menus, space, on-site liaison, etc.
Photograph event
Develop promotional pieces (print and/or electronic)
Develop promotional campaign utilizing appropriate means/tools
Create post-event evaluation and distribute
Follow-up on accounts receivable
Maintain financial records; produce reports as requested; print checks
Review bills and recommend payment
Prepare annual audit and tax returns
Prepare SCC Annual Report and other applicable reports
Collect moneys owed to Association
Work with Treasurer to meet the financial needs of the Association
Attend Board of Director meetings
Prepare pre-meeting packages
Record and distribute minutes
Assist in transition of new boards of directors
Electronic or printed communication with new, delinquent and expired members (or reports to designated volunteer)
Membership data: Access National data to update database
Create and maintain membership data
Respond to inquiries from members and potential members; send packages
Track and initiate membership renewals
Lead recruitment/retention efforts
Receive and track dues
TRAINING SERVICES (Boards and Staff)
Recruitment and Orientation
Leadership Development
Volunteer Management
Personality Typing and Tools
Supervisory Skills
Facilitation of Planning Retreats